New Blessed Bohemian Necklaces
I adorned myself today as I went to visit my good friend and artist Juliana. We haven’t seen each other in many years, but we picked up where we left off and talked for a few hours. We had a great lunch and then went back to her house for cappuccino, alfajores, and more conversation. We agreed that we would not let as much time pass before we see each other again.
I’m so excited about the ideas and vision she has to move her artistry forward in a way that is taking her pain, passion and purpose, and combining them together in a way that will provide support, encouragement and hope to and for others.
As a conclusion to my visit that could have continued for a few more hours, she gifted me whit one of her baby spider plants. We are calling "Commemorate" because we are commemorating our reconnection.
It is a beautiful thing when you can reconnect with those that you care about. If there’s someone you have in mind that you haven’t seen/talk to in a while, reach out. There's no time like the present.
Stay tuned for what's to come from @. It will be beautiful and moving.
Adorn Me Scarf pattern and Top (modified Adorn Me Sleeve Pattern )